nitrile powder free disposable gloves

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Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (Nbr) is a synthetic rubber. It is a copolymer of acrylonitrile and butadiene monomer. It has excellent oil resistance (especially alkane oil), high wear resistance, and airtightness. Good performance, good heat resistance, strong adhesion, good aging resistance and other advantages. Nitrile rubber has always maintained its resistance to dissolution and corrosion by grease, gasoline and other solvents. …

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    LubeCondom® признан пионером в разработке Condom, смазка. Превосходный контроль качества и инновации в новых продуктах - наше главное преимущество.


    Сад медицинской промышленности, Уезд Цао, Город Хэцзэ, Провинция Шаньдун, Китай.

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    Время работы: 24 часов x 7 Дни недели
    Продукция Перчатка, Защитите вас.