close fit condom

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Snug fit condom manufacturing supplier from China

Normal size condom can’t fit all consumers, although latex has elastic feature, so it still need extra large size and snug fit size condoms. Our small size condoms provide you a snugger fit because they are slightly smaller in size than the standard sized condoms which produced for the young guy or the Indian market, If you can’t make sure

  • О нас

    LubeCondom® признан пионером в разработке Condom, смазка. Превосходный контроль качества и инновации в новых продуктах - наше главное преимущество.


    Сад медицинской промышленности, Уезд Цао, Город Хэцзэ, Провинция Шаньдун, Китай.

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