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латекс бесплатно нитрил перчатки одноразовый поставщик

Март 1, 2021

Нитриловые Butadiene Rubber (Nbr) is a synthetic rubber. It is a copolymer of acrylonitrile and butadiene monomer. It has excellent oil resistance (especially alkane oil), high wear resistance, and airtightness. Good performance, good heat resistance, strong adhesion, good aging resistance and other advantages.
Nitrile rubber has always maintained its resistance to dissolution and corrosion by grease, gasoline and other solvents.
Nitrile rubber is used to manufacture oil conveying hoses and flame-retardant conveyor belts. Во-вторых, it is used for sealing devices in the automotive industry, as well as oil-resistant gaskets, gaskets, sleeves, flexible packaging, flexible hoses, printing and dyeing rubber rollers, cable glue materials, and protective gloves in the nuclear industry. It has strong adaptability to temperature and can work normally in the temperature range of −40 to 108 °С. This feature is widely used in the aviation industry. It can also be cast into various products.

The high elasticity of Нитриловые rubber makes it a raw material for manufacturing disposable experimental gloves for laboratory use. It is also more resistant to oil and acid corrosion than natural rubber. Although the elasticity and strength are lower than natural rubber, it is several times more resistant to corrosion than natural rubber.

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Контакт: Ольга

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