» New Condom » Spike Condom » French Tickler Condoms for your pleasure and protection

French Tickler Condoms for your pleasure and protection

We are a professional french ticker condom maker, and there are already more than 30 types spike condoms available for client's choice, most of them are client's alien ideas which we made it. So welcome contact us if you has any new idea of the ticker condom, our engineers are pleasure to custom work for you.

  • Description

Have you once used french tickler condom? Do you know any types of alien condoms? They all designed for some extra pleasure besides of  basic protections. Giving a whole new meaning to the concept of swallowing, some condoms are edible. Can you believe that? You roll one on and your partner licks it off like a lollipop. French ticklers condom have little points on the end to, you guessed it, tickle your mate’s naughty sexual parts.

These kinds of condoms has lots of fun — but there’s one unfun thing about both of them: They can’t prevent pregnancy or STDs 100%, it still has some risk to leak of the liquid, it’s just for couple’s sexual fun is better, and choose regular condom if you don’t want unwanted pregnancy.

Another fun condom is the glow-in-the-dark condom. Take it out of the package, expose it to light and you guessed it: It glows like a lightsaber (electric swishing noises not included)! Now who’s your daddy Luke Skywalker? Hint: not me, because the Night Light brand is FDA-approved for preventing pregnancies and avoiding STDs, so except for the French ticker condom, we also recommend choose the night glowing condoms if you want fully protected and some fun together.

The French Tickler condom might be the party guests favorite party favor. Slip in the party favor bags at the Bachelorette, Bachelor, Girl’s night out or adult birthday party. The french ticklers are a condom that comes with a little something extra for your sexual pleasure. If you are filling a gift bag for the Bride to Be or Groom,  the french tickler will be the favorite on the honeymoon. They come in assorted styles and colors. Top off any night with a little thrill and tickle.

We are a professional french ticker condom maker approved by ISO/CE, and there are already more than 30 types spike condoms available for client’s choice, most of them are client’s alien ideas which we made it in fact. So welcome contact us if you has any new idea of the new ticker condom, our engineers can work out for you.

Welcome inquiry us by email to get more quotations and free samples of this alien condoms, we can make it under your own brand package: sales@lubecondom.com or OEMcondom@gmail.com

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