» Blog » sucking flavor oral condom

succión sabor condón oral

Junio 9, 2022

Flavored condoms are just regular condones de látex with a flavored coating which can help make protected oral intercourse more enjoyable for the giver. The coating flavors range from strawberry to chocolate to cola, and are all safe for human consumption.

You are hardly alone in disliking the taste of latex. This is why superior flavored condoms and lube exist. Oral sex with a condom or dam is one of those things that sex educators teach, but few seem to practice. Many people seem to think that oral sex is not “real” sex and that they aren’t at any risk, someone think the risk is too small to actually matter. Sin embargo, many of the infections that can transmit from vaginal or anal sex can certainly be transmitted during oral sex. It’s important to practice safety consistently, especially with a new partner.

Como profesional flavor condom supplier aprobado por ISO/CE, We can custom produce clients own brand flavor oral condoms, bienvenido indagarnos por correo electrónico: sales@OEMcondom.com

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    LubeCondom® es reconocido como pionero en el desarrollo del condón, lubricante. El control de calidad premium y la innovación de nuevos productos es nuestra principal ventaja.


    Jardín de la industria médica, Condado de Cao, Ciudad de Heze, Provincia de Shandong, China.

    Correo electrónico:sales@lubecondom.com

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