fda approved condoms manufacturer

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FDA-zugelassene Kondome kundenspezifischer Hersteller

Condoms are regarded by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as “Class II medical devices”, this designation also includes pregnancy tests and powered wheelchairs believe it or not. Products in this category have to meet special labeling requirements and performance standards. As for the condoms, the FDA standards include systematic “water leak” tests to ensure that no fluid can

  • Über uns

    LubeCondom® gilt als Pionier in der Entwicklung von Kondomen, Schmiermittel. Premium-Qualitätskontrolle und Innovation neuer Produkte sind unser Top-Vorteil.


    Garten der medizinischen Industrie, Cao County, Heze Stadt, Provinz Shandong, China.


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