- Blog (126)
Nitrile gloves are a type of disposable glove made from synthetic rubber, Dies bedeutet, dass kein Risiko von Latexallergien besteht.
Nitrilhandschuhe werden für so viele Aufgaben im beruflichen Bereich sowie für persönliche. They are the best way of keeping your hands sanitary and free of infection, making them ideal for use in medical environments, but also helpful in reducing the possibility of cross-contamination in kitchens and other food spaces. They are easy to use, Einwegartikel, und angenehm zu tragen.
Our Synthetic nitrile gloves are much more breathability than the regular nitrile gloves and other gloves such as latex gloves, pvc gloves, Vinylhandschuhe.
Powder free disposable nitrile gloves producer and wholesaler. Kontaktieren Sie uns.
E-Mail: sales@lubecondom.com
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